Today isn't just Canada Day, it's also my youngest's 12th birthday. Ian was born at 10:30 in the evening, around about the time the fireworks would have been going off. Oddly though, he's a very peaceful little creature, not at all fiery.
When he was wee he preferred solitary pursuits, like splashing in puddles.
and playing in the garden.
Here he is at three in a tree in Saskatoon, he's one of the few people in the family that takes a good picture.
His interests have changed a bit over the years. He use to love Lego - lots and lots of it,
and snakes. Though he's less keen on these things now,
he still loves to torment his sister.
When he was younger he had a bit of a fear of dogs. Which was a small part of the reason we added Gus to the family.
Here he is with a five-week-old Gus:
They became good friends in a short time
He became, in time, less low-key as his toddler days. He developed a love of making goofy faces,
and wearing costumes.
And now, instead of collecting Lego, he prefers technology,
and cold, hard cash.
Happy Birthday Ian. I hope your birthday brings lots of what you love best!
In case I forgot to mention it earlier today when you were ripping open all of your presents, hope you have a happy birthday Ian!!!
hey! what a lovely post - and happy birthday ian! excellent photos.
what type of dog is gus? he's very sweet.
Thanks hazeljoy, Gus is a border terrier. He's a very sweet little dog, and uncomplicated too - his only desires are food, walkies and cuddles. If only we were all so simple...
Happy Birthday Ian,
We will get your card and cheque in the mail tomorrow. Hope you had a very wonderful birthday and enjoyed all the fireworks in your honour.
Love, Auntie Jane
Happy Birthday Ian!! Hope you enjoyed all your presents. See you in August, and Happy Canada Day!!
I'm late, so Belated Happy Birthday Ian!
Happy birthday to you son! I *love* that photo of him splashing in the puddles... very artistic!
You forgot the part about how he was OBSESSED with "toot-toots" and "cines". Also, I wonder how many times we watched the movie "Babe"?
A boy of very few words.
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