The story continues...
On Friday, the day after the knitting meeting, Elly and I took a spin over to Dundrum Town Centre to buy her a new laptop for her studies - and possibly some socialising. Since it was pouring rain that day we caught a cab there and back. We got to talking to our "way home" cabbie (Tom) - people always want to know where we're from - and mentioned to him that we were seeking out some accommodation for Elly. Imagine our surprise when he tells us that he and his wife have a room that they rent out to foreign students for short term stays (one to three weeks, he said) and it's in Dun Laoghaire, the same as the school!
We took down names and numbers and later that day Elly went to see the room and meet Tom's wife Carol and their three boys (12, 8 and 6). The room was great, it's just a bedroom off the kitchen with no private bath, but it's going to do just fine while she enters the final stretch of finding a place of her own. Carol has also offered to feed Elly suppers and make her bag lunches for school, can you imagine! That's better than she had it at home!
We plan to move her in on Wednesday. It's not being completely settled, but it's a great start.
Let's all heave a heavy sigh!*********
Well, big congrats on finding some temporary accommodation for Elly. Sounds like you two are getting very social with the locals! Hope a more permanent arrangement turns up soon.
Ah yes mom told me you had finally found a place to stay.
When does school start for Elly?
I'm sure she will be able to find a place.
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