I finally finished the roman blind I was making for the kitchen. I'd been working on it a bit at a time - ten minutes here, twenty minutes there - until finally I thought, right, that's it! - what should have taken an afternoon ended up taking three months (for shame).
I used the instructions from the Martha Stewart Website, I made a few minor alterations to her instructions, as my windows were a different shape to the ones in the example. I'd recommend putting one's thinking cap on first, before you start this project - my window was brand-spanking new, but I know from past projects, that if your window is older, or in an older building, you'll have to measure the width-way of you window at both the top and bottom, and the length-way at both the right and left, due to settling and shifting and such.
That's the blind closed. I took these photos on a dreary, rainy day so I'm not sure the pictures really do justice to the fabulous fabric, it's got a very mid-20th century feel to it, like a Calder mobile.
I love the photos on that Calder link, makes me want to break out the shrinky dinks and beading wire.
Hmmm...yet another project...
or should I say, yet another project?...
or perhaps, yet another project??!!...
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